Research Excellence Award

Research Excellence Award

Research Excellence Award ​Early Career Research Excellence Congratulations !!!   Dr Stephanie D’Souza, Deputy Director of COMPASS, for being awarded the Faculty of Arts Hiwa i te rangi Award. Steph is a Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and her research interests...
Promotion to Professor

Promotion to Professor

Promotion to Professor We are delighted to announce that COMPASS Director, Barry Milne, has been promoted to full professor. We extend our warmest congratulations to Barry on this milestone achievement that recognises Barry’s leadership, research and teaching...

News Title

News Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mollis posuere leo, sed scelerisque mauris rutrum vitae. Donec eget interdum sem. Fusce malesuada cursus semper. Ut pretium ante ligula, ac hendrerit nisi pharetra in. Duis sit amet sodales...