Centre of Methods and Policy Application in the Social Sciences

COMPASS uses quantitative methodologies to answer policy-relevant questions, to improve health, wellbeing, and equity in Aotearoa

Our team of researchers have experience and expertise in a range of disciplines and social science research methodologies. COMPASS has a broad health and wellbeing focus, uniquely positioning it to address research questions related to the impacts of key societal changes.

COMPASS uses three main methodological approaches in its research.  First, COMPASS analyses whole population administrative data to understand equity and wellbeing, particularly using data from the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI).  Second, COMPASS analyses survey data to understand New Zealanders’ attitudes, views, and wellbeing status. COMPASS runs annual social attitudes surveys as one of ~50 countries involved in the International Social Survey Programme (www.issp.org), thus enabling the views of New Zealanders to be compared to other countries.  Third, COMPASS assesses the impact of policies using ‘micro-simulation’ – i.e., by simulating the life-course development of individuals over time.

Events: Rare Disorders Project

28 Feb to 8 March 2025  Senior Research Fellow Lisa Underwood had a busy week representing COMPASS and Tuberous Sclerosis Complex NZ at various Rare Disorders NZ events in Wellington to mark Rare Disease day and the start of Rare Disorders month.  On 28th February,...

Publication: Organisations that promote eco-human flourishing

Research fellow Komathi Kolandai published a review on organisations that use various engagement with nature to promote wellbeing.  Kolandai, K., & Harré, N. (2025). Organisations that promote eco-human flourishing. Current Opinion in Psychology, 62, 101998....

Unseen Heroes – The Challenges and Impact of Young Carers webinar

Unseen Heroes - The Challenges and Impact of Young Carers webinar Wed, 26 Feb 2025 Details Lisa Underwood presented at the Unseen Heroes - The Challenges and Impact of Young Carers webinar, along with Dr Lauren Donnan and David Jones (Commonwealth Organisation for...

Publication: School attendance among children with autism

30 Jan 2025  Publication   PhD student Francesca Anns collaborated with researchers from the University of Otago and elsewhere on a publication investigating school attendance among children with autism spectrum disorder:  Bowden, N., Anns, F., Vu, H., Dacombe, J.,...

Publication: How to identify multiple sclerosis using IDI data

Publication  Natalia Boven published a paper describing how to identify multiple sclerosis using Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) data:  Boven, N., Mason, D., Milne, B., Ranta, A., Sporle, A., Underwood, L., Winter-Smith, J., & Selak, V. (2025). Identifying...

Publication: Motor development of children with autism

Lisa Underwood published a paper on motor development of children with autism using Growing Up in New Zealand data:  Araya, P., Phillips, K., Waldie, K., & Underwood, L. (2025). Gross motor development in children with autism: Longitudinal trajectories from the...

Media: The IDI upgrade

16 Jan 2025  Media article  Barry Milne was interviewed for a RNZ article about a planned upgrade for the Integrated Data Infrastructure:  Read more at RNZ

Publication: The impact of the Families package on child protection outcomes

15 Jan 2025  Publication  Sophie Moullin and Barry Milne have investigated the impact of the Families package on child protection outcomes:  Moullin, S., & Milne, B. (2025). The effects of unconditional cash transfers on child abuse and neglect in early childhood:...

Publication: Investigating the time and cost of administrative data linkage:

4 Jan 2025  Publication  PhD student Mohammad Shahbaz, along with Barry Milne, Lisa Underwood, Martin von Randow, and colleagues from the Liggins Institute published a paper investigating the time and cost of administrative data linkage:  Shahbaz, M., Harding, J. E.,...

Publications on long term outcomes following antenatal corticosteroids

4 Jan 2025  Publication  Barry Milne collaborated with colleagues from the Liggins Institute to produce two papers on long term outcomes following antenatal corticosteroids:  Walters, A. G. B., Gamble, G. D., Crowther, C. A., Dalziel, S. R., Eagleton, C. L., McKinlay,...

Research Excellence Award

Research Excellence Award​Early Career Research Excellence Congratulations!!!   Dr Stephanie D’Souza, Deputy Director of COMPASS, for being awarded the Faculty of Arts Hiwa i te rangi Award. Steph is a Senior Lecturer in Public Policy and her research interests...

Promotion to Professor

We are delighted to announce that COMPASS Director, Barry Milne, has been promoted to full professor. We extend our warmest congratulations to Barry on this milestone achievement that recognises Barry's leadership, research and teaching achievements.

News Title

News Title Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec mollis posuere leo, sed scelerisque mauris rutrum vitae. Donec eget interdum sem. Fusce malesuada cursus semper. Ut pretium ante ligula, ac hendrerit nisi pharetra in. Duis sit amet sodales...

Our People

Meet our team of researchers, and our collaborators.


Read about all of the projects that the COMPASS team has undertaken over the last 20 years.


We publish journal articles, technical reports, and other outputs from our research.

Short Courses

We run courses in social research methods through the New Zealand Social Statistics Network (NZSSN).


We administer surveys for New Zealand’s input to the ISSP, and have conducted a number of other surveys with collaborators.

Whole Population Data Analysis

We analyse data from the entire New Zealand population to understand health and social functioning.


We run regular seminars, colloquia, and workshops.


See the latest news about our work.

Useful Links

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